How to Upload a Photo to a Url

How to convert paradigm URLs to actual images in Excel?

doc url to img 1

If you have a list of image URL addresses in cavalcade A, and at present, you want to download the corresponding pictures from the URLs and display them into the adjacent column B as left screenshot shown. In Excel, how could you extract the actual pictures from the image URLs rapidly and easily?

Convert the epitome URLs to actual images with VBA code

Convert the image URLs to actual images with Kutools for Excel

Convert the paradigm URLs to actual images with VBA code

The following VBA lawmaking tin help yous apace excerpt the bodily images from the paradigm URL addresses, delight do every bit this:

1. Hold down the ALT + F11 keys to open the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window.

2. Click Insert > Module, and paste the following lawmaking in the Module Window.

VBA code: Convert the image URLs to actual images:

                Sub URLPictureInsert() Dim Pshp As Shape Dim xRg As Range Dim xCol As Long On Error Resume Adjacent Application.ScreenUpdating = False Set up Rng = ActiveSheet.Range("A2:A5") For Each cell In Rng filenam = cell ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(filenam).Select Set Pshp = Selection.ShapeRange.Item(i) If Pshp Is Zilch And so GoTo lab xCol = cell.Column + 1 Set xRg = Cells(jail cell.Row, xCol) With Pshp .LockAspectRatio = msoFalse If .Width > xRg.Width Then .Width = xRg.Width * 2 / three If .Pinnacle > xRg.Height So .Summit = xRg.Height * 2 / 3 .Top = xRg.Top + (xRg.Peak - .Height) / ii .Left = xRg.Left + (xRg.Width - .Width) / 2 End With lab: Set Pshp = Nothing Range("A2").Select Next Application.ScreenUpdating = True Terminate Sub              


  • 1. In the above lawmaking, A2:A5 is the range of cells which contains the URL addresses you want to extract the images, you should change the cell references to your need.
  • ii. With this code, you tin non specify the size of the extracted images to your need.
  • iii. The above code simply can extract the actural images into the cells too your URL column, you can non specify jail cell to output the images.
  • 4. You should have some bones noesis of the code, if whatsoever grapheme missed or incorrect, the code will non be executed successfully.

3. So press F5 key to run this code, and all corresponding pictures take been extracted from the image URLs to the next cavalcade at once, and the images will exist placed at the middle of your specific cells, meet screenshot:

doc url to img 2

Convert the paradigm URLs to actual images with Kutools for Excel

If you are not familiar with the VBA code or want to remedy the limitation of the above code, Kutools for Excel'due south Insert Pictures class Path(URL) characteristic can help you to quickly insert the cprresponding images based on the URL addresses or specific path in your computer as beneath screenshot shown.Click to download Kutools for Excel!

Note : To apply this Insert Pictures grade Path(URL), firstly, you should download the Kutools for Excel, and so apply the feature speedily and easily.

After installing Kutools for Excel, please do as this:

1. Click Kutools > Insert > Insert Pictures grade Path(URL), in the popped out dialog box, please set the following operations, see screenshots:

ii. So, click Ok push, and the pictures will be extracted from the URLs, encounter screenshot:

doc url to img 1

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